Can I Tear All My Gray Hair?

Can I Tear All My Gray Hair?

Modern people usually live and work under great pressure, gray hair on the head is growing more and more, now the age of gray hair is slowly decreasing, no matter men and women, young and old will grow gray hair, every time you look in the mirror can not help but want to eradicate gray hair, but the thought of pulling out more and more, is not it again resisted to close the hand? This article is to explain why we have gray hair? Gray hair can be pulled out or not?


Why do we have gray hair?

Gray hair occurs when the melanocytes in the hair follicles age and can no longer produce melanin. Usually in about 30-40 years of age will begin to appear, if there is a gene in the family, it may also appear before the age of 20. Other causes of gray hair, in addition to staying up late, stress, but also includes poor blood circulation, poor nutrition, metabolic abnormalities, obesity, tobacco addiction, excessive sun exposure, etc., a variety of easy to make the body produce free radicals factors are possible.


Will plucking gray hair makes it grow more and more?

In fact, this is just an illusion, aging causes gray hair is a normal physiological process, simply a reduction in melanin, and then grow out of the follicle is still white hair, will appear the more white hair pulling the illusion. A hair follicle will only grow a hair, only the scalp hair follicles may be 2 to 5 groups together to form a follicular unit, from the same or neighboring pores grow out, so it is easy to be mistaken for a hair follicle grows several hairs. Plucking gray hair will not make it grow more and more.


What are the effects of plucking gray hair?

A hair follicle grows 2~4 hairs, if a hair follicle is pulled off, it will cause the hair follicle to be injured and inflamed, so that your healthy hair follicle will not be able to grow hair! Your hair will become less and less, which may lead to baldness. It is recommended not to plucking your hair.


What can I do to get rid of gray hair?

If you want to remove gray hair by yourself, it is recommended to use scissors to cut it from the root to avoid inflammation of the hair follicle when pulling it up! In addition, you can adjust your work routine and massage your scalp to slow down the production of gray hair.


Two tips to improve your gray hair!

1. Adjust your routine

Usually through more exercise, drink more water to improve blood circulation, a balanced diet to improve malnutrition, and a normal work and rest routine to avoid staying up late, timely expression of their emotions and stress, more sunshine can be supplemented with vitamin D, but also pay attention to not over-exposure to the sun!

2. Scalp massage

Scalp massage can promote blood circulation in the scalp, stimulate blood flow through the scalp massage can also effectively provide nutrition and oxygen to the roots of the hair, if with the massage of acupuncture points above the ears, the back of the head and other parts of the scalp, more can improve hair loss and gray hair situation. In addition, massage can also be used to adjust the autonomic nervous disorders, so that hormone secretion and metabolism is more stable. You can use a professional scalp massage comb to massage the scalp.


Wooden airbag massage styling comb

Wooden Airbag Scalp Massage Comb


Anmmi Beauty's Wooden Airbag Scalp Massage Comb is a great way to massage your scalp and achieve deep relaxation, as well as improve blood circulation and slow down the production of gray hair. Be sure to use a professional massage comb to massage your scalp without causing scalp injury or counterproductive effects.

Don't worry too much about gray hair even if it grows, your worrying will accelerate the production of gray hair. Relax and treat your scalp to a relaxing spa treatment, and use Anmmi Beauty's Scalp Massage Brush to help you get rid of gray hair.

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